
My resolutions for 2018

My resolutions for 2018

One of the questions that gives me pause in my five-year Q&A journal: are you seeking security or excitement? For the past few years, I’ve struggled to define what exactly I’m seeking. But in 2018, I want the answer to be both, equally. On one hand, I want this year to be about routine. Now that we’ve set up and settled into a new city, I want to establish solid patterns that encourage self-care, productivity, happiness, and physical and mental health. But I also want to make it a priority to be excited by new adventures. I want to explore San Diego and California, discover new corners of my adopted city and home state. And I want to look at the big trips–the places that have been top of my list for years–and try to make them happen.Bamboo forest on the Pipiwai Trail

Although balancing routine and new adventures is my overarching goal for 2018, I have a few more specific things that I want to focus on in 2018. I’m excited to see where things end up at this time next year!

Establish a healthy daily schedule

One of the toughest adjustments to working from home (on roughly East Coast hours) has been implementing a morning routine for wellness. It’s really easy to wake up and immediately feel like I need to get to work. I used to have an hour or so in the mornings that was purely dedicated to getting up and getting ready before commuting to work; now, I usually get up, shower, walk the dog and then start answering emails while I’m drinking my coffee. The biggest thing that has slipped away is a daily meditation practice. If I don’t do it first thing, it’s really easy to feel like I don’t have time for it the rest of the day (even though it’s only 20 minutes–I almost always have a spare 20 minutes at some point during the day!). Regular meditation is hugely beneficial for me–especially when it comes to managing anxiety and stress–and I want to make sure that it’s a priority.

To make it happen: I need to reassess my morning wake-up time and routine, and figure out where meditation can slot in–and then hold myself accountable for making it happen. Along those lines, I also want to make sure I’m walking at least 10,000 steps per day (my daily average was 10,494 in 2017, which isn’t bad!), flossing at least three times a week, and staying committed to my sleep routine. We’re also going to do a month of no alcohol and no sugar at the beginning of the year, which I’m hoping will act as a reset button for a healthier and more fulfilling diet. Related: I also need to find doctors (primary, gyno, dermatologist, optometrist, etc.) in San Diego. My goal is to have all of those intro appointments scheduled before the end of March!

Speak passable Spanish

My Spanish skills are really, truly awful. Although I can usually pick out a good amount of written vocab (due to my knowledge of French), I’ve never learned the basic grammar and have a tough time following spoken Spanish. But I want to travel more in Mexico and Central and South America: being able to understand and speak more Spanish would make that goal both more attainable AND more fun.

To make it happen: I signed up for weekly Spanish 101 classes with a friend, starting at the end of January! I tend to do better in a more structured environment (aka please give me homework!), but I also want to push myself to actually speak Spanish and not lean back on English when I’m traveling in Mexico. Bonus: we already have two trips to Mexico on the books!

Take advantage of the outdoors

One of the things that I love most about living in San Diego is the beautiful, temperate weather year-round: I want to make sure I take full advantage of it! I want to commit to doing at least one outdoor activity per week, namely: playing tennis, surfing, hiking.

To make it happen: I’m re-upping my membership at Balboa Tennis Club and signing up for a few private and group lessons. David gave me a wetsuit for Christmas, and we’re taking a few joint surf lessons in Pacific Beach at the beginning of the year. I’m going to schedule (at least) one hike per month, either with David or one of my girlfriends who knows all of the local trails.

Push myself to excel

In my blogging life, I often feel like I’m doing enough to pass–but not enough to excel. Some of this is due to time and energy constraints and having a “real job” (and, to be honest, my commitment to self-care): there’s only so much you can do in a day. But there are some things that I’ve wanted to do for years but I just haven’t gotten around to making a priority: more speaking engagements (and you can’t do more public speaking if you don’t apply!), getting published in more places (again, you don’t get featured if you don’t submit the pitch) and growing the audience on my blog and Instagram.

To make it happen: Mostly: research, apply, submit. Create more pitches. Carve out time to actually write. Try out new platforms and do more networking. And stop being so afraid to self-promote!

So! That’s what I’m hoping to achieve in 2018. What are your resolutions for the new year?

p.s. notes on new year’s resolutions, and 2015 resolutions