
My list of little travel joys

My list of little travel joys

Sometimes travel is frustrating: you’re out of your comfort zone, you don’t understand the language, your train is running late, you’re ridiculously tired and all you want is to be curled up in the comfort of home. That, or a really good cry and a chocolate bar.


But other times, travel (and life) is ridiculously amazing. Too often, we focus on the bad and forget about the little good things that keep us going. But it’s Friday, I’ve spent the past week catching up with good friends from all over the world and I’m feeling so blessed I could skip. So here are my little travel joys, the things that bring a smile to my face and a feeling of total, utter happiness with life. Feel free to add your own at the end. Cheers, and have an amazing weekend!

  • When you arrive just as your subway/train/bus is pulling up. Ahh, perfect timing.


  • Showing a best friend your favorite city, and having him fall in love with it as much as you are. Total confidence booster that not only do you love cool cities, but that you must be a pretty awesome tour guide.
  • Street performers that are really talented/engaging/enthusiastic about what they’re doing.
  • Stumbling across a perfect park, a bench in the sun, a hidden courtyard just when your feet feel like they’re about to fall off.
  • Youth or student discounts for musuems/attractions/movie theatres–particularly if the discount ends up making it free. Thank you, Europe, for acknowledging that I’m broke and still letting me learn something.


  • Couples in love, newborn babies, adorable toddlers speaking in a foreign language and realizing that bliss is the same everywhere in the world.
  • When you have the wrong time in mind, but you somehow make it right on time. Extra points if it’s for meeting someone, and you would have looked ridiculous if you were late.


  • Funny street names. The fact that Paris named a street after a grammarian completely made my day.
  • Making it out of the hostel room the first time without forgetting the room key, an umbrella, lip balm, iPod, book, cardigan, scarf…and anything else I might have forgotten.
  • An abundance of plugs. Whether on a train or in a hostel room, there’s nothing better than a fully-charged computer/iPod/iPhone/camera to start my day.


  • Bright colors, perfect contrasts, a photo opportunity set up right in front of your face.
  • When you realize that the best things in life aren’t things.
