The down under edition
While cleaning out my inbox a few days ago, I found an email from January 2010 where my dad innocently inquired what the heck I was doing with my life. This was my response:
Life plan:
Live on the beach/work in Nice: April to November
Live at home/eat your food: November (and go to Hawaii)
Live a fabulous life/work in Australia: December to who knows?
Not much has changed. I spent a fabulous six months in Nice (and another month exploring the most cosmopolitan European cities). I’m currently back home in Northern California, catching up with girlfriends over drinks after a family Thanksgiving in Maui. And the desire to see koalas in person, throw some shrimp on the barbie and be a kickass surfer sure hasn’t faded.
So, I’m doing it. The Working Holiday visa has been issued. The flight to Sydney has been booked. And that’s about as much as I know so far.
It seems a little crazy to pick up and move to a different hemisphere without so much of an inkling of a plan. But that will surely come in time, as I start adding Australia blogs to my long list of Francophile ones and begin to hunt for the perfect Australia guide book (any recommendations for either are greatly appreciated).
C’est Christine will surely take on a different focus: more Aussie, less Francophile. But I still have plenty of stories and tips to share about life in France and travels in Western Europe–and perhaps a bit as I explore the Golden State. Be prepared for some major redesigns, but don’t worry: the emphasis is still going to be on conquering wanderlust, little travel joys and showcasing my favorite photos.
Merci to everyone who’s been along for the ride thus far–and I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter, down under.