
Postcard from Playa La Meseta

Postcard from Playa La Meseta

We spent the vast majority of our time in the Dominican Republic at Casa Bonita: I mean, there was an infinity pool and a hammock and someone to machete coconuts for me. No reason to leave!

Playa La Cieneta outside of Barahona, Dominican Republic

One day, however, we did decide to go dip our feet in the Caribbean and wandered down to the beach that’s across the street from the property. It’s not in the running for my favorite beaches in the world: it was rocky and strewn with trash, the surf was rough and it was impossible to walk a few steps without inquiries for dinero. Even so, there was still a rugged, rustic beauty to the swaying palm trees, crashing turquoise waves, pastel-colored beach shacks and abandoned fishing boats.

Playa La Cieneta outside of Barahona, Dominican Republic Playa La Cieneta outside of Barahona, Dominican Republic  Playa La Cieneta outside of Barahona, Dominican Republic

Playa La Cieneta outside of Barahona, Dominican Republic

What’s your favorite photo of Playa La Meseta?