
Making a list

Making a list

“Make a list of what is really important to you and embody it.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn

Make a list of what is really important to you and embody it

I came across this quote the other day on Clementine Daily (their Daily Thought series is one of my favorites), and honestly, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It’s such a beautifully simple way to approach a life of intention and to make happiness a habit.

1. Creating and maintaining meaningful relationships

2. Being authentic, grateful and kind

3. Making the people who are most important to me feel loved and appreciated

4. Traveling to new places and experiencing new things with a spirit of adventure and open-mindedness

5. Eating whole foods, and moving and stretching and resting and treating my body well

6. Writing the words, capturing the moments, sharing to connect and inspire

What is really important to you? How do you embody it?