

The ups and downs of a six-month attention span

One of the most defining characteristics of Gen Y is its short attention span. We're a generation that's been raised with instant gratification, ever-faster and ever-better technology and an obsession with multi-tasking. I'm certainly no...
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Living abroad: it’s a hard-knock expat life

Some see the glass as half full, others see it as half empty...you see it and think, "let's pour out the water and fill it with beer!" That was what the birthday card my grandma sent me said--and as I waver between my general optimism and a biting...
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My list of little expat joys

It may have been my dirty little travel secret, but now it's out in the open that I prefer being an expat to being a traveler. I like being a regular. I like sleeping in my own bed. I like having a steady paycheck. It's not exactly glamorous--when...
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Ambition shouldn’t be a dirty word

A ex-boyfriend's mother once told him we would never last because I was too ambitious. At the time, I was young(er), in love and honestly offended. Wasn't ambitious supposed to be a compliment? At the time, I equated ambition with a successful...
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When too much choice is a bad thing

Confession: I have no idea what I'm doing next. Very, very soon (eight days to be exact), I'll be back home. While I'm beyond excited to have some of my mom's home cooking and catch up with girlfriends over cocktails, I'm also a bit worried. Worried...
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