
Work to live or live to work?

There’s just one bit of American-ness that I can’t seem to shake: being a workaholic. Despite living in a country with a 35-hour work week and a minimum of one month of vacation a year, I can’t bring myself to say no to additional work (and money in...
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What makes you a writer?

Even since I was a little girl with my nose stuck in a book, I've wanted to be a writer. And I keep saying that I "want" to be a writer, even though I write every day. I write blog posts, tweets, letters. I write about the things that inspire me,...
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The real world is whatever you make it

A year ago today, I became an official college graduate. I drank a Bloody Mary at 6 a.m., walked across the stage in a gold glittery cap and accepted a piece of paper that pushed me into the next socioeconomic class. If you had asked me then where I...
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Quitting is for winners

I’m a big believer in quitting. To me, if I’m choosing to do something that doesn’t make me happy, then why would I continue? To many, this comes off as spoiled, idealistic or perhaps selfish. I prefer to think of it as proactive. Why stay in a...
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Why I should listen to my mother

My mom is always telling me to keep my eyes open: for the empty space in a crowded parking lot, when I would complain about the lack of suitors for high school dances, as I stressed about finding a job post-graduation. She's constantly...
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