OK, so I'm about to damage the little fashion credibility I may have held and make a confession: I am fully obsessed with Vibram Five Fingers. Yup, those weird toe shoes/foot socks/barefoot running shoes that people awkwardly point out whenever they...
I'm not one for taking photos of people. I prefer to blend into the crowds and the coffee shops, wait for that magic moment when everyone shifts for a split second and I can capture an unspoiled landscape or the blur of urban energy. I'd...
To Western eyes, it's unlikely that Amman would be classified as a "beautiful" city: it doesn't have the wide, tree-lined boulevards of Paris or the modern skyscrapers juxtaposed next to the lean-to street carts of Bangkok. It's a city of rolling...
My first thought when my trip to Jordan was confirmed: what to wear? As it was my first trip to the Middle East, I knew that it would be not only much warmer in temperature but much more conservative in style. I wanted to be as respectful as possible...
Things that as a child of California I can't even comprehend: Jordan's ancient city of Jerash boasts an unbroken chain of human occupation for more than 6500 years. After it was conquered in 65 B.C., it became one of the 10 great cities of the Roman...