8 (Instagram-ic) things to love about Sacramento

Sacramento is often dismissed as a cow town capital…because it is. The skyline rises out of flat farmland, recently converted to suburbia. It's not nearly as sophisticated, or liberal, or fashionable as nearby neighbor San Francisco. There's less...
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Postcard from Hanoi

Drinking "fresh beer" while sitting on child-sized furniture, dodging a constant stream of motorcycle traffic, group aerobics by the lake before the sun rises: this is Hanoi. The city in Vietnam's north is remarkably cold: in temperature, in...
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Rock Long, Rock Hard: cruising Halong Bay

Eating a steaming plate of noodles while perched on a plastic chair built for a 5-year-old, I faced a dilemma. I had four days in Hanoi, a city that was a grey and chilly as Saigon was colorful and warm—in weather, in buildings, in people. Hanoi’s...
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Highlights of Hue

I've learned that when a city is proclaimed as a country's cultural capital, it usually means it's cold. True to form, Hue (pronounced h-way) features gray-hued skies, a chilly wind drafting over the river and squat buildings crowding the winding...
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Because it’s commencement speech season

I don't remember a word of what was said at my college graduation. I had been at the bar drinking Bloody Mary's since 6 a.m., was force-feeding water to my friend passed out on my shoulder, the sun was blazing and I just wanted President Zingg to...
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