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What I’m going to do more of in 2013

Oh, how I love new year's resolutions--and being held accountable for achieving them! As much as I believe that we should be trying to change for the better every day, there's nothing like a brand-new calendar year to offer that extra kick to achieve...
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2012 resolutions: what I did more (and less) of this year

When I was looking for a photo to sum up 2012, it was tough for me to find one. Would I remember 2012 as the year that I explored Southeast Asia for the first time, that I sailed through the Adriatic and the Caribbean, that I drove across the USA or...
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Paragliding: finding out why birds sing

Growing up, I always erred on the side of caution, not unnecessary risk. I didn't see the appeal of roller coasters, sky diving, driving too fast: what was the point of doing something that was not only going to scare you, but could potentially kill...
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