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Logistics: a place to stay in Marseille

Booking accommodation two days before arrival is always a bit of a gamble. It’s even more a gamble in August, the ultimate tourist high season in France. Add in a limited budget to the short notice and a single supplement—I was fully mentally...
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Escape to the maritime city of Marseille

I’m getting a lot better at this spontaneous travel thing. When I found out four days ago that I had two days off from my waitressing gig in a row, I decided to take advantage of it and scheduled a getaway to Marseille. While Marseille is...
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Corsica: France’s best-kept secret

I'm torn between jumping from the hillside and shouting about the amazingness that is the island of Corsica, and selfishly keeping this gem for myself and the rest of the French-speaking world. However, I've never been good at keeping secrets and I...
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Travel isn’t always beautiful, but it’s always worth it

"Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage" --Joachim du Bellay Roughly translated, this means "Happy is he who, like Ulysses, has made a beautiful voyage." Ever since stumbling across this mosaic on Castle Hill, the quote has stuck...
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So close yet so far away

Thanks to the glorious technology of Skype, I talk to my parents now just about as often as I did when I lived two hours away. True, I can't pick up my iPhone and call my mom when I'm waiting in traffic or photo text my dad when I see something...
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